Lutunji Abram, MA
“To send the effective voice to the masses and be a voice for teen
parents and their parents using the tools of personal empowerment
and community development”
From a grassroots approach, Lutunji applies her life learned lessons to the guidance of teen parents she comes in contact with. It is Lutunji’s hope, and goal to help empower teen parents so that they can succeed in life. She currently has partnership services with Better Futures, Phyllis Wheatley Community Center and has partnered with Oak Park Community Center-Pillsbury United Communities, Oasis of Love Inc., PICA Head Start, Emerge, Minneapolis Public Schools and The City of Minneapolis Health Department. Voices of Effective Change helps market Family Network engagements, coordinate special events, curriculum design, and facilitating parent group meetings . Another endeavor that Lutunji is involved in is workplace environment assessments.